
Janakpur - Janaki Boarding School


Janaki Boarding School

Janaki Boarding School
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Janaki Boarding School,Janakpur - Image
Vidhyanagar, Janakpur-2 Dhanusha, Nepal
Phone No: +97741520469
Hours of Operation:: 9 A.M. To 5 P.M
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Business Description
The Janaki Higher Secondary Boarding School family is a non-profit and non-proprietary motive educational body widely recognised for its progressive approach and commitment to excellence.
JHSBS is a trusted name in quality education. Learning at this School is viewed as an exclusive experience, which is not only about gaining knowledge, but also about shaping character and life skills, involving a holistic approach to developing the kind of people our children will become.
Over the years JHSBS has not just been growing in structure and number but also in its stature and eminence.
It is not just educating but educating and thereby creating a hallowed atmosphere for the nurturing and nourishing of the innate abilities of the body and the mind that JHSBS stands out from the rest.

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