
Kathmandu - Manaslu Circuit Trek


Manaslu Circuit Trek

Manaslu Circuit Trek
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Manaslu Circuit Trek,Kathmandu - Image
Thamel, Kathmandu, Nepal
Phone No: +977-9851146814
Directions: Thamel
Hours of Operation:: 09:00 Am To 6:00 Pm
Closed: Saturday
Payment Type: Bank, Cash
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Business Description
Manaslu (8167m) is the seventh most astounding mountain on the planet and it is just as of late that trekkers have started to investigate this tough range. Trekking around Manaslu offers amazing mountain sees, remote Buddhist towns near the Tibetan fringe and social and geographic differences that adversaries some other trek in the Himalaya. The trek begins in the midst of the terraced fields and sub-tropical timberlands of the foothills. Climbing north, the scene slowly changes into the dry, high height scenes connected with Tibetan culture. Navigating toward the north of Manaslu, with time to visit the Base Camp that is utilized by endeavors, is a highlight of this trek. Past Manaslu, the climb proceeds until we come to the grand Larkya La, which bears remarkable perspectives in each heading of the Himalaya. Subsequent to intersection the pass, we finish this remunerating circuit of Manaslu in the clamoring towns of the Annapurna locale.

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