
Sydney - Dr Hodgkinson


Dr Hodgkinson

Dr Hodgkinson
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Dr Hodgkinson,Sydney - Image
20 Manning Road Double Bay
Sydney,New South Wales,
Phone No: (02) 9362 7400
Hours of Operation:: Monday to Friday: 9am
Closed: 5pm
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Business Description
Enhance Your Beauty With The Right Procedure

When considering plastic surgery, it is important that you get as much information as possible for ensuring that you make an informed decision regarding any procedure. It is just as important that you find a reputable clinic with over thousands of satisfied patients, with a proven reliable history, such as the cosmetic and restorative surgery clinic Dr. Hodgkinson.

With over 30 years’ experience in the plastic surgery industry, Dr. Hodgkinson is a fully qualified facial reconstructive and plastic surgeon. He and his team of highly trained professionals take great care in providing you with all of the information and details you need to know about any procedure that you might be considering.

Visit their website today to learn more about the practice or to read the extensive information about the surgeries for the face and body that they offer. Ensuring the safety and care of their patients is primary, and seeing the results in their satisfied patients that they had the privilege to work for.

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