
Delhi - moon light gandhidham


moon light gandhidham

moon light gandhidham
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gandhi market gandhidham
Phone No: 9825992760
Locality: Gandhi Vihar
Hours of Operation:: 24 X 7
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Business Description
If you're looking for first class entertainment for your weddings, functions, corporate events or musicians for long term engagements Moon Light is the right choice for you! Moon Light is an entertainment Company based in the Gandhidham (Gujrat). We employ a dynamic and creative team of young and vibrant members with an extensive background in the entertainment industry. We take pride in being able to connect the right artists with the right clientele. We are able to achieve this by having a wide range of contacts in the Gandhidham as well as a wide network of artists from Ghandhidham, Bhuj, Ahmdhabad, and all over Gujrat. Guided by our love and understanding in art & music and our belief that each artist is special, it’s our goal to serve our artists and clients with the utmost professionalism, respect and honesty.

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