
Delhi - FLB Resorts


FLB Resorts

FLB Resorts
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FLB Resorts,Delhi - Image
F14,2nd Floor ,Okhla Phase 1 New Delhi-1100020
Phone No: 9999558007
Locality: Okhla Ind Estate Phase-I
Hours of Operation:: 9Am-8Pm
Closed: sunday
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Business Description
Offbeat. Unconventional. Family-oriented destination that offer the quiet you seek, the break away from chaos. The Four Little Birds Resorts, or FLB resorts are your time away from the routine, to experience what you watch on the internet every few days and yearn to walk through.

Four Little Birds is India’s finest resort chain that offers you destinations interspersed with the sweet chirping of birds, where the only time keepers are the sunrise and the sunset. So, run through our advisory sheets to know what to pack, and take your flock to experiences they would love to go back to again, and yet again.

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