
Delhi - Courier Genie


Courier Genie

Courier Genie
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Courier Genie,Delhi - Image
Bhikaji Cama Place, RK Puram, Delhi, 110066, India
Phone No: 1800-3000-4243
Locality: Ramakrishna Puram Sector-1
Hours of Operation:: Monday to Saturday - 09:30 - 18:30
Payment Type: online/cash on pick up
Write a Review for Courier Genie
Business Description is door to door online parcel service which mean that it picks your parcel from your door and deliver it to the door you want it to at very competitive prices. Our sole purpose is to lead the industry by providing enhanced services, reliability and peace of mind to our customers. We consider our customers as our authoritative figure and serve precisely according to their command. Thats what a Genie do, does not it? is India's best and cheapest online courier booking service, offering the simplest way to book an online Courier within India.

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