
Delhi - Rosakue Hospitality


Rosakue Hospitality

Rosakue Hospitality
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Rosakue Hospitality,Delhi - Image
418, 4th Floor, Square One Mall
Phone No: 1141410984
Hours of Operation:: 10:00 - 19:00
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Business Description
Rosakue is a handpicked ensemble of boutique home retreats offering curated lifestyle experiences for the free-spirited, evolved traveller. Each of the properties in the Rosakue portfolio has an aesthetic setting against breezy, lush, natural landscapes. Most homes are drive-able from main cities and lend themselves to short weekend getaways, extended stays and workcations. Entire properties are available for group holidays or business events.

Subtle in styling, premium in appeal and unbounded in spirit, each Rosakue retreat has an aura of intimate luxury and promotes a lifestyle of leisure. Carefully chosen decor and accents bring to mind the comfort of a private residence and the nostalgia of an ancestral family home. Rekindle memories of childhood summer breaks, barefoot walks, rain-splashed clothes, windblown hair, suntans, breathless laughter and gadget-free conversations. Rosakue is

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