
Delhi - Zolt Energy Private Limited


Zolt Energy Private Limited

Zolt Energy Private Limited
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B-7, 3rd Floor Block-B Community Center, Janakpuri
Phone No: +91 888 2122 999
Locality: Janakpuri
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Business Description
Zolt Energy Private Limited is a smart-energy company built on three core principles:
Solar For Everyone.
Minimizing Energy Consumption.
Energy Replacement.
We aim to provide our customers and partners with the best equipment at best prices delivering the best experience. The
core team of Zolt Energy has experience working on solar projects totaling 47 MW including close to 2000 rooftop solar
Besides solar installations, the team also specializes in energy audits and electrical research.
Zolt Energy is also India’s first company to adopt and implement HolacracyTM for organization structure and operations.
We believe in allowing individuals to empower themselves and take responsibility for their actions to give you the best
experience every time. We research industry practices and go beyond them to ensure our customers are delighted every
time they interact with us.
From products to processes, Zolt Energy is being nurtured and built around transparency. Our pricing is the same for
everyone and even our volume discounts are given as per our open guidelines. We believe in delivering Clean Technology
the Clean Way.

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