
Delhi - JOBMA Video Interview Software


JOBMA Video Interview Software

JOBMA Video Interview Software
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JOBMA Video Interview Software,Delhi - Image
44 Lorne Street
Phone No:
Locality: Delhi Cantt
Hours of Operation:: 24*7
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Business Description
Jobma, a video interview platform, offers high-tech services of live & Pre-recorded video interviews at a highly affordable cost of $1 per interview. It can let you maintain your hiring continuity seating at home by online screening, evaluation, and selection of the best-fit candidates. Jobma can make your hiring process highly cost-efficient, flexible, and quicker, through its comprehensive video interview features. Apart from that, Jobma can screen hordes of candidates in less time, quick and flexible evaluation, and effective alignment of the hiring recourses. If you are also looking for an affordable and efficient video interviewing tool to enhance your hiring team, then Jobma is a perfect choice for you. It can transform your recruiting activities into a tech-savvy and automated hiring process.
Why Jobma Video interview platform is the best choice for your hiring team?
Available at low cost: Jobma is a low-cost video interview platform with all the high-tech and superior features. It is easily adaptable for all the scale and size of businesses at a minimum investment.
Enhance the brand value of your businesses: jobma promotes the brand value of a business by making the flag of the brand, logos, and color theme of the brand visible among candidates who participate in the online interview process. It also makes your hiring team confident, quick, automated, and much more effective.

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